BJPS Stats 2020

Despite the enormous difficulties that 2020 brought with it, the BJPS continued to thrive, as the statistics below indicate. The number of submissions grew, the Journal maintained its high standards, and, according to data released in 2020, the Journal’s Impact Factor reached a new high. Moreover, review times remained within a reasonable range—a testament to the professionalism and commitment of our referees. No doubt this was not an easy task. The editorial team expresses its most sincere gratitude to all who contributed to the Journal’s efforts, as well as its deepest sympathies to those who lost loved ones or fought personal battles with COVID-19.

Trends in Submissions

We received 706 submissions in 2020.

Trends in Decisions

Acceptance Rate

Final decisions made in 2020. At 7.4%, the BJPS acceptance rate remains broadly in line with recent years.

Accepted papers as a percentage of submitted papers for every year since 2012.


Average number of days in review, by outcome. This is calculated from the date the paper is first submitted to the journal to the date a decision email is sent to the author(s).

Trends in Authorship

The BJPS operates a triple-anonymised peer-review process. This means that neither editors nor referees know the identity of the authors (and vice versa). The data we use to compile the graphs below was not available to the editors or referees.


Papers submitted (/accepted) by sex, as a percentage of total submitted (/accepted) papers. Single-authored papers only.

Note: We have not provided the data for previous years because we have changed our methodology for calculating these figures. However, the picture here reflects the trend we’ve seen in previous years, namely, a greater percentage of female authors are published than submit, and vice versa for male authors.


Co-authored papers as a percentage of all submitted (/accepted) papers. The number of accepted co-authored papers is small, so yearly trends in these figures should be treated with caution.


The map below shows two things: first, papers submitted by country* as a percentage of all submitted papers; second, papers accepted by country as a percentage of all submitted papers from that country.

* ‘Country’ refers to the location of the author’s institution.

Trends in Review

Despite the difficulties of 2020, there has been a good deal of consistency in willingness to referee and the time taken to return reports. (Referees, not for the first time, we salute you!)

  • Elizabeth
