BJPS Stats 2021

Part I: Journal Metrics

Journal Impact Factor

The Journal Impact Factor (JIF) is calculated by taking the yearly mean number of citations of articles published over the previous two years

JournalJIF 2021
Philosophy Ethics & Humanities in Medicine2.2
Biology & Philosophy1.795
Philosophy of Science1.752
Social Epistemology1.625
History & Philosophy of the Life Sciences1.452
Studies in the History & Philosophy of Science1.379
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C (Biology)0.964
Google Scholar Metrics

This table shows H-5 indices for two different categories used by Google, philosophy and epistemology and scientific history (the BJPS appears only in the latter)

Philosophical Studies3550
Philosophy & Phenomenological Research3255
Philosophy Compass28 42
Phenomenology & the Cognitive Sciences2750
Philosophy of Science2638

Trends in Submissions

We received 586 submissions in 2021. We take the decline in submissions to reflect, at least in part, the difficulties faced by our authors as a result of COVID and the various lockdowns. Even with this dip in numbers, this still represents a 45% increase in submissions since 2011.

Trends in Decisions

The acceptance rate in 2021 was 10%. A more detailed breakdown of this figure below.

Outcome for papers on the first round
Outcomes for papers after initial R&R

Time to Decisions

Average time to decision
Average time to decision by decision-type

  • Elizabeth
