BJPS Stats 2021

Part II: Trends in Authorship

The BJPS operates a triple-anonymised peer-review process. This means that neither editors nor referees know the identity of the authors (and vice versa). The data used here were not available to the editors nor the referees.


Published papers and submitted papers form non-overlappping sets here, given the time lag involved in a paper moving from initial submission to publication. As a result, any comparison between submission and publication figures will not be straightforward.

The way we collect information on the sex of authors changed in 2020. As a result, data from before and after 2020 cannot be meaningfully compared.

Papers submitted in 2021
Papers published in 2021


Co-authorship is not only becoming more common; the co-authored papers we receive are having a higher publication success rate than single-authored papers.

There has been an 82% increase in submissions of co-authored papers between 2011 and 2021.

The number of published papers are small, so trends here are somewhat more susceptible to noise.

As before, published papers and submitted papers form non-overlappping sets, given the time lag involved in a paper moving from initial submission to publication. As a result, any comparison between submission and publication figures will not be straightforward.


Note that we only represent data on the corresponding author here, and ‘country’ refers to the country of that author’s institution. These eleven countries represent those that repeatedly make the top ten. The percentages submitting from other countries are much smaller.

Geographical spread of submissions

  • Elizabeth
