New Additions to the BJPS Editorial Team
The last few months have seen some changes in our editorial team. First, the bad news.
We are so sorry to lose Paul Weirich (Missouri) as an associate editor after thirteen years and a whopping 406 papers—a BJPS record. Paul is officially retiring from his role with the University of Missouri and the BJPS, and we will sorely miss his wise guidance and expert judgement.

We are also losing another BJPS stalwart: Alyssa Ney (UC Davis). Alyssa steps down after nine years of phenomenal service to the journal. Like Paul, she was a judicious and insightful associate editor who leaves behind very big shoes to fill. We wish her every success in her new role at LMU.

Finally, Anya Plutynski (Washington University in St. Louis) also steps down after nine years with the BJPS. In her time with the BJPS, we have seen a big increase in philosophy of biology papers submitted to the journal, and we now have multiple associate editors covering this beat. Anya’s breadth of expertise helped to transform BJPS into a truly generalist philosophy of science journal.

The BJPS would not function but for the un-remunerated work of our associate editors, and their service to both the journal and the wider field deserves the highest praise.
But as one door closes…
We are delighted to announce our newest additions to the team: Lauren N Ross (University of California, Irvine), Jonah N Schupbach (University of Utah), and Alastair Wilson (University of Leeds).
Lauren works on topics that include causal reasoning and explanation in biology, medicine, and neuroscience. Her current research is supported by a NSF Career Award, a John Templeton Foundation Grant Award, and an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers.

Jonah’s research focuses on the formal epistemology and logic of scientific reasoning. His work is methodologically cross-disciplinary, drawing on cognitive psychology, probability and statistics, and computer simulations. Jonah was the recipient of the 2018 BJPS Popper Prize for his paper ‘Robustness Analysis as Explanatory Reasoning’.

Alastair works on topics in the philosophy and epistemology of science, with a focus on explanation in physics and the philosophical consequences of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. He was the recipient of a European Research Council Starting Grant for his project ‘A Framework for Metaphysical Explanation in Physics’.

Full details of the BJPS’s editorial team can be found here.
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