IF and only IF

Another year, another impact factor. Thomson Reuters, who compile the figures, have released their 2017 report and the BJPS continues to perform very well (a brief explanation of the IF can be found here). We’ve jumped from last year’s 1.738 to a not-to-be-sniffed-at 1.985. Many thanks indeed to our authors and our referees for all their hard work!

To celebrate, we’ve made a number of our most highly cited papers freely available:

Graded Causation and Defaults
Joseph Y. Halpern and Christopher Hitchcock

Hamilton’s Rule and Its Discontents
Jonathan Birch

Are There Non-Causal Explanations (of Particular Events)?
Bradford Skow

The No Alternatives Argument
Richard Dawid, Stephan Hartmann, and Jan Sprenger​​​​​​​

Abstract Explanations in Science
Christopher Pincock

The table below gives the IF rankings for the most prominent philosophy of science journals.

Impact Factor 2016: Philosophy of Science Journals

 British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 1.985
 Biology & Philosophy 1.209
 Philosophy of Science 0.9


 European Journal for Philosophy of Science


 Foundations of Science


 Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science


 Philosophia Mathematica



 Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics


More candy for dinner at BJPS Towers tonight!

  • Elizabeth
