Could you be our next Co-Editor-in-Chief?

After a stellar run of nearly nine years, Prof. Wendy Parker is stepping down as Co-Editor-in-Chief of the BJPS. Wendy has been an extraordinary editor and colleague, and once the wailing and gnashing of teeth has ceased here, we’ll post more about this. In the meantime, let the hunt for a new Co-Editor-in-Chief begin! Below is the formal notice, and informal queries are welcome.

The BSPS invites expressions of interest regarding the appointment of a new Co-Editor in Chief for the British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, to join current Co-Editor-in-Chief Robert Rupert, Deputy Editor Elizabeth Hannon, and our Associate Editors (full team here). 

We hope to have the new editor in place for 1 January 2025. In the first instance, interested parties should e-mail Elizabeth Hannon at Details about what is needed for a full proposal will then be provided. The deadline for such applications will be Monday 29 July 2024 Monday 12 August 2024.

Interested parties may also wish to talk with Prof. Parker, Prof. Rupert, Dr Hannon, or a member of the BSPS Committee if they have questions about any aspect of the role. 

The Society is committed to improving diversity within the field and welcomes applications from women, ethnic minorities, and other marginalized communities within philosophy. 

  • Elizabeth
