New Additions to the BJPS Editorial Team

Before we move to the new: Very many thanks from all of us here to departing/departed Associate Editors Liz Irvine and Orri Stefánsson, for their collegiality and their tremendous work both for the journal and for the philosophy of science community more generally. 

In less sad—nay, exciting—news, we welcome six (6!) new Associate Editors to the BJPS team to help us meet the number and range of submissions coming our way: Jon Bain (NYU), Igor Douven (IHPST Pantheon-Sorbonne University), Kerry McKenzie (UCSD), Emily Sullivan (Eindhoven University of Technology), Jackie Sullivan (Western University Canada), and Peter Vickers (Durham).

Jon Bain is Professor of Philosophy of Science at the Tandon School of Engineering of New York University (NYU–Tandon). His work concerns issues in the history and philosophy of physics, with a particular focus on philosophy of spacetime, scientific realism, and philosophy of quantum field theory.

Igor Douven works in cognitive science and formal epistemology. He is mainly interested in concepts and in conditional and non-deductive reasoning. He also has a background in law and musicology and was trained as a classical pianist under Jacques De Tiège and Karl-Heinz Kämmerling.

Kerry McKenzie is Associate Professor of Philosophy at UC San Diego. Her work focuses on the metaphysics of science and the philosophy of physics, with a particular interest in issues surrounding fundamentality, structuralism, and methodology. Her most recent book is Fundamentality and Grounding, part of the Cambridge Elements series.

Emily Sullivan is currently Assistant Professor and Irène Curie Fellow at Eindhoven University of Technology (but will shortly be joining Utrecht University). Her research combines philosophy and data science, with a particular interest in how technology mediates knowledge. She is the Principal Investigator of a NWO Veni-funded project entitled ‘Explain Yourself! The Scope of Understanding and Explanation from Machine Learning Models’.

Jackie Sullivan (@jackieAsullivan) in Associate Professor at UWO and a member of the Rotman Institute, where she explores the light shed by contemporary neuroscience on the relationship between mind and brain, working at the intersection of philosophy of neuroscience, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of science. In her work, she develops and refines a conceptual framework for analysing experiments and experimental practice in the neurosciences of cognition.

Peter Vickers (@petejvickers) is a philosopher of science and social epistemologist at Durham University, specializing in relationships between scientific communities, consensus, evidence, ‘facts’, and truth. His most recent book Identifying Future-Proof Science (Oxford University Press, 2022) develops a theory of ‘established scientific facts’. During 2021–24, he leads a Leverhulme-funded project entitled ‘EURiCA‘, or ‘Exploring Uncertainty and Risk in Contemporary Astrobiology’.

  • Elizabeth
