New Associate Editors for the BJPS

Three associate editors of the BJPS stepped down in 2021: Jonathan Birch (2019–2021), Ellen Clarke (2015–2021), and Christian Wüthrich (2017–2021). We thank them for all their great work for the journal and the field more generally.

But it’s not all bad news! We are delighted to announce the arrival to BJPS Towers of three new associate editors: Pierrick Bourrat (Macquarie University), Nick Huggett (UIC), and Cédric Paternotte (Sorbonne Université).

Pierrick Bourrat (@pierrickbourrat) works in the philosophy of biology. His research interests range from evolutionary theory to causation. He has written extensively on the concepts of heritability, fitness, drift, and individuality. In the last five years, his research has focused on evolutionary transitions in individuality, which has led him to collaborate extensively with theoretical and experimental biologists. Pierrick was trained both as an evolutionary biologist and a philosopher of science.

Nick Huggett is a philosopher of physics, with work in spacetime theory, in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, and most recently has focused on the emergence of spacetime in quantum gravity. He is one of the project leaders of the Beyond Spacetime project, which coordinates research on this question between philosophers and physicists.

Cédric Paternotte (@cedric_p) works on all things social, cooperative, and collective, whether in epistemology, in philosophy of action, of science, of biology, or of economics. He also has a background in engineering.

  • Elizabeth
