
The lone philosopher, working in a dingy attic by the scrap end of a guttering candle might have some cultural purchase, and certainly the working conditions might sometimes be a little Dickensian, but what’s apparent from working behind the curtains at the BJPS is that good philosophy is not the result of the heroic efforts of single individuals. We are lucky enough here to receive submissions from the best and brightest in our field, but the distance between that first submission and the finished product should not be underestimated. That gap is bridged by the time, hard work, and thoughtfulness of our referees, in conversation with our authors. For myself, I have learnt more about how to do philosophy in reading the back-and-forth between author and referee than I could ever have imagined, and it has been a huge privilege to be able to eavesdrop on these conversations.

Very few of us have time to spare, so it is always appreciated when someone we approach agrees to referee a paper for us. As if that was not enough, we regularly receive reports of a standard above and beyond any reasonable expectation, and these are a crucial part of why we are able to publish the innovative and agenda-setting articles we do.

On behalf of the entire BJPS editorial team, many thanks to all of you who took the time to review a paper (or two!) for us in 2014. For once, you need not be nameless*!

Beth Hannon (Assistant Editor)
Steven French & Michela Massimi (Co-Editors-in-Chief)

* At least, those of you who consented to be named!

Marshall Abrams
Peter Achinstein
Arif Ahmed
Emrah Aktunc
Adrian Alsmith
Orly Alter
Michael Anderson
Holger Andreas
Kristin Andrews
Rachel Ankeny
Brad Armendt
Bengt Autzen
Tudor Baetu
Alan Baker
David Baker
Mark Balaguer
Sorin Bangu
Elias Bareinboim
Daniel Barker
Jeffrey Barrett
Paul Bartha
Michael Baumgartner
Gordon Belot
Vincent Bergeron
John Bickle
Jonathan Birch
Alisa Bokulich
Luca Bombelli
Richard Bradley
Darren Bradley
Seamus Bradley
Ingo Brigandt
Carolyn Brighouse
Robert Briscoe
Kevin Brosnan
Richard Brown
Matthew Brown
Harvey Brown
Rachael Brown
Michael Brownstein
Justin Bruner
Julia Bursten
Craig Callender
Adam Caulton
Mathieu Charbonneau
Mazviita Chirimuuta
Ellen Clarke
Roger Clarke
John Collins
Roy Cook
John Corbett
David Corfield
Mark Couch
Carl Craver
Vincenzo Crupi
Arthur Cunningham
Erik Curiel
Adrian Currie
Shamik Dasgupta
Paul Davies
Wayne Davis
Richard Dawid
A. P. Dawid
Rogier De Langhe
Henk de Regt
Guillermo del Pinal
Michael Dickson
Dennis Dieks
Jose Diez
Foad Dizadji-Bahmani
Mauro Dorato
Heather Douglas
Igor Douven
Fay Dowker
Stephen Downes
Zoe Drayson
John Dupré
Armond Duwell
Antony Eagle
Kenny Easwaran
Matthias Egg
Christopher Eliot
Katrina Elliott
Ido Erev
Michael Esfeld
Melinda Bonnie Fagan
Matt Farr
Benjamin Feintzeig
Luke Fenton-Glynn
John Ferejohn
Alison Fernandes
James Fetzer
Nicolas Fillion
Samuel Fletcher
Patrick Forber
Laura Franklin-Hall
Mathias Frisch
Michael Fuerstei
Lisa Gannett
Justin Garson
Alexander Gebharter
Pierre-Luc Germain
Philip Gerrans
Michel Ghins
Gerd Gigerenzer

Peter Gildenhuys
Carl Gillett
Donald Gillies
Stuart Glennan
Clark Glymour
Peter Godfrey-Smith
Natalie Gold
Sheldon Goldstein
Marion Goodman
William Goodwin
John Greenwood
Jonathan Grose
Francesco Guala
Amit Hagar
Alan Hájek
Joseph Halpern
Hans Halvorson
Sven Hansson
Jeffrey Harvey
Richard Healey
Heikki Helantera
Leah Henderson
Ronnie Hermens
Brian Hill
Christopher Hitchcock
Ulf Hlobil
Kevin Hoover
Terry Horgan
Michael Huemer
Nick Huggett
Alistair Isaac
Justine Jacot
Gregg Jaeger
Richard Joyce
Cory Juhl
James Justus
Marie Kaiser
Kareem Khalifa
Vasso Kindi
Elselijn Kingma
Julian Kiverstein
Dominik Klein
Eleanor Knox
Kevin Korb
Kepa Korta
Matthew Kotzen
John Kulvicki
Erich Kummerfeld
Raphaël Künstler
James Ladyman
Raymond Lal
Elisabetta Lalumera
Vincent Lam
Anders Landig
Elaine Landry
Jane Suilin Lavelle
Merel Lefevere
Sabina Leonelli
Bert Leuridan
Ben Levinstein
Arnon Levy
Tim Lewens
Peter Lewis
Jonathan Livengood
Elisabeth Lloyd
Barry Loewer
Alan Love
Christopher Lucas
Aidan Lyon
Jack Lyons
Fraser MacBride
Edouard Machery
Miles Macleod
P. D. Magnus
Anna Mahtani
David Makinson
Christophe Malaterre
John Manchak
Carlo Martini
Mohan Matthen
James Mattingly
Tim Maudlin
Conor Mayo-Wilson
Kerry McKenzie
Jennifer McKitrick
Danny McShane
Joseph Melia
Peter Menzies
Roberta Millstein
Daniele Molinini
Bradley Monton
Fred Muller
Wayne Myrvold
Marco Nathan
Paul Needham
Graham Nerlich
Thomas Nickles
Ilkka Niiniluoto
Ittay Nissan-Rozen
Robert Northcott
Jay Odenbaugh
Samir Okasha
Ilho Park
Wendy Parker
Cédric Paternotte

Lydia Patton
Makmiller Pedroso
Jeanne Peijnenburg
Richard Pettigrew
Gualtiero Piccinini
Chris Pincock
James Pitts
Oliver Pooley
Thomas Pradeu
Alexander Pruss
Geoffrey Pullum
Athanassios Raftopoulos
William Ramsey
Ian Ravenscroft
Miklós Rédei
Julian Reiss
Michael Rescorla
Thomas Reydon
Robert Richardson
John Roberts
Yasha Rohwer
Jan-Willem Romeijn
Alex Rosenberg
Adina Roskies
Don Ross
Hannah Rubin
Robert Rupert
Robert Rynasiewicz
Juha Saatsi
Sahotra Sarkar
Isabella Sarto-Jackson
Simon Saunders
Jonathan Schaffer
Samuel Schindler
Markus Schrenk
Stefan Schubert
Jonah Schupbach
John Schwenkler
Teddy Seidenfeld
Oron Shagrir
Nicholas Shea
Orly Shenker
Tomoji Shogenji
Wilfried Sieg
Bradford Skow
Brian Skyrms
Matthew Slater
Rory Smead
Shannon Spaulding
Wolfgang Spohn
Jan Sprenger
Mark Sprevak
Julia Staffel
Marius Stan
Daniel Steel
Katie Steele
Jacob Stegenga
Ulrich Stegmann
Chris Stephens
Dustin Stokes
Michael Strevens
Jim Tabery
Eran Tal
William Talbott
Paul Tappenden
James Thompson
Martin Thomson-Jones
Chris Timpson
Michael Titelbaum
Adam Toon
Nick Tosh
Maura Tumulty
Andrew Turner
Derek Turner
Jos Uffink
Sebo Uithol
Lev Vaidman
Susan Vineberg
Peter Vranas
Carl Wagner
Elliott Wagner
David Waldner
David Wallace
Joel Walmsley
Denis Walsh
James Weatherall
Naftali Weinberger
Steven Weinstein
Michael Weisberg
Jonathan Weisberg
Charlotte Werndl
Brad Weslake
Torsten Wilholt
Jon Williamson
Alastair Wilson
Eric Winsberg
Sander Wolters
Andrea Woody
Christian Wüthrich
Petri Ylikoski
Sandy Zabell
Carlos Zednik

  • Elizabeth
