Referee of the Year 2018

The editors of the BJPS are delighted to announce that Adrian Currie (Exeter) has been chosen as Referee of the Year 2018, for his willingness to act as a referee, for his timeliness in completing reports, and for the very high quality of those reports.

And for their own exceptional work as referees, the editors felt that both Justin Bruner ([correction: University of Groningen]) and David Wallace (University of Southern California) deserved honourable mentions.

The BJPS editors recognize the extremely valuable, though often invisible, contribution of referees who are careful and generous when engaging with the work of their colleagues. Indeed, the success of a journal depends as much on its referees as it does its authors. In order to offer some public recognition of this crucial labour, the BJPS and the British Society for the Philosophy of Science have come together to create a Referee of the Year award. Winners will be made Honorary Members of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, for their services to the philosophy of science community.

Many thanks to all three, and to all others who have acted as referees for the journal!

  • Elizabeth
