BJPS Stats 2022

Part II: Authors

The BJPS operates a triple-anonymised peer-review process. This means that neither editors nor referees know the identity of the authors (and vice versa) and so the data used here were not available to anyone involved in the peer review process.


Published papers and submitted papers form non-overlappping sets here, given the time lag involved in a paper moving from initial submission to publication. As a result, any comparison between submission and publication figures will not be straightforward.

Papers submitted in 2022
Papers published in 2022


As before, published papers and submitted papers form non-overlappping sets here, given the time lag involved in a paper moving from initial submission to publication.

The upward trend in submissions from multi-author teams continues. Co-authored papers are more likely to be published than single-authored papers.


We collect data only on the country of the institution of the submitting author, which means that the information below does not include anything about co-authors and their institutions.

2022’s top ten

Note that Italy and Poland are in joint tenth place

Country of submitting author’s institution


In 2022, following the Barcelona Principles for a Globally Inclusive Philosophy, we began collecting information about how many of our authors have English as a first language. We will be in a position to report on this next year.

  • Elizabeth
