About the BSPS Open
Philosophy of Science Books, Evolved: World-class books made freely Open Access at no cost to authors.
The BSPS Open has released its second book: The Large-Scale Structure of Inductive Inference, by John D. Norton.
Making a publication Open Access is well-known to increase its impact, accessibility, and citation numbers. The problem is, typical publishers will only allow Open Access for authors who can pay large fees, making Open Access inaccessible to many. That’s where BSPS Open comes in. BSPS Open publishes Open Access monographs on the basis of merit alone, and not on an author’s ability to pay a fee. We are lucky to publish in collaboration with a world-class Editorial Board chaired by Helen Beebee and with Editors in Chief Bryan W. Roberts and David Teira. BSPS Open publishes landmark, cutting edge works that represent the full breadth and diversity of the philosophy of science, with free Open Access is made possible through the fundraising and print-sales thanks to a partnership between the BSPS and the University of Calgary Press.What is Open Access?
Publications that are Open Access are freely downloadable as a PDF, often with an option to pay for print copies on demand.
World-Class Editorial Board
Beautiful, Freely Downloadable PDFs
Print Copies For Sale On Demand
BSPS Open accepts submissions from all areas of the philosophy of science. We accept book proposals where the book is a research monograph, but unfortunately not textbooks or collected volumes. To submit a manuscript proposal, visit the BSPS Open Homepage, where you are invited to send the following in an email with the subject SUBMISSION to bspsopen@thebsps.org:What You Need to Do
Show me the books!
University of Calgary PressPublishing Partner
Open-access monographs are a big headache for the arts and humanities: most publishers currently charge authors enormous sums, and new publishing models urgently need to be explored. BSPS Open will be leading the way, combining no-cost publication with robust reviewing procedures and high standards of production.

Open Access is an important and growing part of the future of academic publishing. I am delighted that the British Society for the Philosophy of Science and the University of Calgary Press have pooled resources to form a partnership that will lead the way in the publishing of Open Access monographs. I am confident that this venture will attract innovative work of the highest calibre, which will reach a wide audience among philosophers of science.

This is a new concept — nothing like this has been done before. By partnering with a prestigious academic society, we’re able to establish a series that publishes the best books in the field and operates at the cutting edge of open access publishing.

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