The British Society for the Philosophy of Science gives small grants to support conferences relevant to research and education in the logic, the methods and the philosophy of science, as well as those of the various special sciences, including the social sciences. Below are some of the conferences that have received sponsorship from the BSPS via these grants.
2019 Conferences
- Philosophy of Science Today; London School of Economics and Political Science, 19 September 2019
2017 Conferences
- The Past, Present and Future of Integrated HPS: An International Postgraduate Forum; Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Leeds, 13-14 January 2017
2016 Conferences
- The Ninth Annual Cambridge Graduate Conference on the Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic; University of Cambridge, 16-17 January, 2016
- The Nature of Logic; University of York, 26 January 2016
- Optimism: Its Nature, Causes, and Effects; Senate House, London, 25-26 February 2016
- 50 Years of Worrall: Science, Structure and Rock ‘n’ Roll; 18 March 2016
- NCH Mind and Brain Conference; The New College for the Humanities, 25-26 March 2016
- Philosophy of Chemistry workshop; University of Bristol, 11-12 May 2016
- The Measurement Problem of Quantum Mechanics and the Emergence of the Classical World; 14 May 2016
- Biological Identity; Institute of Philosophy, London, 2-3 June 2016
- Does the philosophy of psychiatry need a metaphysics? Lancaster, 3 June 2016
- Philosophy of Biology in the UK (PBUK); University of Bristol, 8-9 June 2016
- The Nature of Time; University of Oxford, 11 June 2016
- &HPS6: The Sixth Integrated History and Philosophy of Science; University of Edinburgh, 3-5 July 2016
- Foundations 2016: The 18th UK and European Conference on Foundations of Physics; LSE, 16-18 July 2016
- British Postgraduate Philosophy Association (BPPA) 2016; Reading, 15-17 September 2016
- New Directions in the Evolutionary Social Sciences; Cambridge, 13-14 December 2016
2015 Conferences
- Second Symposium on the Foundations of Mathematics, Institute of Philosophy, London, 12-13 January 2015.
- Eighth Annual Cambridge Graduate Conference on the Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic, 17–18 January 2015.
- From Physics to Metaphysics and Back Again: A Conference in Honour of Jeremy Butterfield’s 60th Birthday, 6-7 February 2015, Trinity College, Cambridge
- The 4th Reasoning Club Meeting, Manchester, 30-31 March 2015.
- The 10th UK Integrated HPS Conference, Durham, 16–17 April 2015
- Propensities, Chances and Statistics, Institute of Philosophy, London, 12–13 June 2015. Writeup in The Reasoner
- Foundations of Thermodynamics: A Masterclass; Trinity College, Cambridge, 14 November 2015
2014 Conferences
- Philosophical Activism: Philosophy and Public Policy, Durham, 30-31 October 2014.
- The Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics, Oxford, 2-3 October 2014.
- British Postgraduate Philosophy Association Annual Conference, University of Leeds, 9-12 September 2014.
- Shaping the Trading Zone: Bringing Aesthetics and Philosophy of Science Together, Leeds, 5-6 September 2014.
- Approaches within Philosophy of Science, UCL, 1–2 September 2014.
- The Philosophy of E.J. Lowe: A Memorial Conference, University of Durham, 27–29 July 2014.
- The ‘Artificial’ and the ‘Natural’ in the Life Sciences, c. 1850-1950 (workshop), Exeter, 2-4 July, 2014.
- Third Reasoning Club Conference, Kent, 23rd-24th June 2014.
- Prediction in Epidemiology and Medicine, Kings College, London, 20 June 2014.
- Chance and Conditionals, Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, London University, 18-19 June 2014.
- The Fourth LSE Graduate Conference in the Philosophy of Probability”, 6-7 June 2014.
- The Experimental Philosophy, the Mechanical philosophy, and the Scientific Revolution, University of Durham, 5th June 2014.
- Mathematising Science 2: mathematical concepts in scientific practice, University Of East Anglia, Norwich, 1-3 June 2014.
- Workshop on Combining Probability and Logic (‘Progic 2015’), 22–24 April 2015 and the preceding Spring School on Combining Probability and Logic, 20-21 April 2015..
- 9th Annual UK Integrated HPS Workshop, Leeds, 10-11 April 2014.
- Deductive & Mathematical Cognition: Implications for Philosophy”, Bristol, 7-8 April 2014.
- Philosophy of Biology in the UK, Christ’s College, University of Cambridge, 31st March and 1st April 2014.
- Perspectives in Philosophy of Science, Durham, 30th January 2014.
- Seventh Annual Cambridge Graduate Conference on the Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics, 18-19 January, 2014.
2013 Conferences
- Oxford Philosophy Graduate Conference, 15-17 November 2013
- Relativity Meets Quantum Theory at the LSE, 28-29 November 2013, London School of Economics, London.
- Irreversibility in Axiomatic Thermodynamics, 30 November 2013, Trinity College, Cambridge.
2010 Conferences
- “What does it mean to do the history,philosophy and sociology of mathematics in the 21st-century?”, UCL, July 2010
- 16th U.K. and European Meeting on the Foundations of Physics, Universityof Aberdeen, 5 – 7 July 2010
- Graduate Conference Philosophy of Probability III, LSE, June 2010
- 16th U.K. and European Meeting on the Foundations of Physics, Universityof Aberdeen, 5 – 7 July 2010
- Workshop on Formal Epistemology, Stirling 14-15 May 2010.
- What is HPS for? Fifth Joint Workshop on Integrated History and Philosophy of Science, Exeter June 2010.
- Graduate Workshop: Philosophy and Pain, Birmingham 4 June 2010.
- Progress in Medicine, Bristol 13-15 April 2010Argument Theory, Informal Logic and Critical Thinking, Manchester Metropolitan University 12-13 April 2010
- Approaches to ‘theory of mind’: Perspectives from Philosophy and Psychology, Lancaster 30 March 2010
2009 Conferences
- Mathematical and Geometrical Explanation in Physics, Bristol 11-12 Dec 2009
- Philosophy of Natural Science from Newton to Kant. UCL. Spring 2010
- Philosophy of Probability. LSE. June 2009
- Metaphysics of Science. Nottingham, 12-14 Sept 2009
- Mechanisms and Causality in the Sciences, Sept 2009, University of Kent
- Two Streams in the Philosophy of Mathematics, 1-3 July 2009, University of Hertfordshire
- Minds, Brains and Beyond: An International Conference in Memory of Susan Hurley, 19-21 March 2009, Bristol
- Workshop on Models and Fiction, 11-12 March 2009, LSE
- Explanation, Indispensability of Mathematics and Scientific Realism, 23 Jan 2009, Leeds
- Cambridge Graduate Conference for the Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics, 17-18th January 2009
2008 Conferences
- The Present Situation in the Philosophy of Science, December 18-20 2008, University of Vienna
- Unreasonable Effectiveness? Historical origins and philosophical problems for applied mathematics. 16-17 December 2008, All Souls College, Oxford
- Causality Study Fortnight, Kent, 8-19th Sept 2008
- Computation and cognitive science, 7-8th July 2008, King’s College
- Powers: Their Grounding and their Realization, 7th-9th July 2008
- Philosophy of Probability. 27-28th June 2008. LSE
- Is science inconsistent? 21st June 2008. Leeds
- Styles and Ways of Knowing, UCL, 20th June 2008
- Explanation, reduction and models of psychopathology. 17 June 2008. Bristol University
- Modelling Matter, Durham, March 2008
- Science and Pseudo-science, Birmingham, 15th March 2008
- 1st Cambridge Graduate Conference on the Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics, 19-20 January 2008, University of Cambridge
2007 Conferences
- Powers, Causation and Laws, Durham, 17 Dec 2007
- Nature and its Classificiation, 12-14th October 2007
- Information in Physics and Biology, Leeds, 14th September 2007
- Mind and Society conference to be held at the University of Manchester.
- Progic 07, 5-7 Sept 2007, University of Kent
- Kant and Philosophy of Science Today, 2-3 July 2007, University College London
- Causation and the Law, 28 April 2007, University of Birmingham
- Foundations of Physics, 29-31 March 2007, University of Leeds
- Confirmation, Induction and Science, 8-10 March 2007, London School of Economics
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