BJPS Review of Books

Mauricio Suárez, Inference and Representation // Reviewed by James Nguyen

James Nguyen reviews Inference and Representation, by Mauricio Suárez

Katherine Brading and Marius Stan, Philosophical Mechanics in the Age of Reason // Reviewed by Mark Wilson

Mark Wilson reviews Philosophical Mechanics in the Age of Reason, by Katherine Brading and Marius Stan

Enquist, Ghirlanda & Lind, The Human Evolutionary Transition // Reviewed by Ronald Planer & Claudio Tennie

Ronald J Planer and Claudio Tennie review The Human Evolutionary Transition, by Magnus Enquist, Stefano Ghirlanda and Johan Lind

Andersen and Mitchell, The Pragmatist Challenge // Reviewed by Matthew J Brown

Matthew J. Brown reviews The Pragmatist Challenge, by H. K. Andersen and Sandra D. Mitchell

Yafeng Shan, Alternative Approaches to Causation // Reviewed by Vera Hoffmann-Kolss

Vera Hoffmann-Kolss reviews Alternative Approaches to Causation, edited by Yafeng Shan

Neil Levy, Philosophy, Bullshit, and Peer Review // Reviewed by Joshua Habgood-Coote

Joshua Habgood-Coote reviews Philosophy, Bullshit, and Peer Review, by Neil Levy

James Read, Background Independence in Classical and Quantum Gravity // Reviewed by Sebastian De Haro

Sebastian De Haro reviews Background Independence in Classical and Quantum Gravity, by James Read

Mazviita Chirimuuta, The Brain Abstracted // Reviewed by Daniel Burnston

Daniel C Burnston reviews The Brain Abstracted, by Mazviita Chirimuuta

Daniel Greco, Idealization in Epistemology // Reviewed by Joe Roussos

Joe Roussos reviews Idealization in Epistemology, by Daniel Greco