Haecceitism, Rigid Designation, and Thermodynamic Equilibrium | Michael te Vrugt
Michael te Vrugt asks if exchanging two identical particles changes anything
Michael te Vrugt asks if exchanging two identical particles changes anything
Eddy Keming Chen offers a new solution to the puzzles of time’s arrow and quantum ontology
Caspar Jacobs on what’s wrong with the pristine interpretation
Luca Incurvati and Giorgio Sbardolini on the evolution of negation
Richard Healey on whether there are objective facts in the quantum world
Florian J Boge explains why it may be epistemically acceptable to tune models for experimental analysis
Yunus Prasetya on what substantive accounts of explanation say about IBE
Oliver Lean, Luca Rivelli, and Charles Pence on what philosophers learn from a ‘distant reading’ of science journals
Justin Garson on the study of mechanisms and the study of history
Elanor Taylor on what makes a good explanation