BJPS articles, but shorter

Correspondence Is Information | Marcin Miłkowski

Marcin Miłkowski on what makes similarity semantic

Going Quantum with Chemistry’s Structures | Alexander Franklin and Vanessa Seifert

Alexander Franklin and Vanessa Seifert on whether interpretations of quantum mechanics can resolve the problem of molecular structure

Self-locating Beliefs Won’t Move Everett’s Mountain | Simon Friederich and Richard Dawid

Simon Friederich and Richard Dawid on whether rational self-locating belief solves the probability problem for Everettian quantum mechanics

Does Economics Need Micro-foundations? | Nadia Ruiz and Armin W Schulz

Nadia Ruiz and Armin W Schulz offer a complexity-based reconceptualization of the debate about micro-foundations in economics

This View of Contingent Life | T. Y. William Wong

Gould, Evolutionary Contingency, and Mass Extinctions

Does It Matter If Hypothesizing Is Secretly Post Hoc? | Mark Rubin

HARKing has mistakenly been implicated in the replication crisis and attempts to lessen HARKing may hurt science