Applications Deadline: 11.00 on Saturday 29th March
Applications for the 2025 Doctoral Scholarship are now open.
The British Society for the Philosophy of Science offers full scholarships for doctoral work in the philosophy of science at a UK university, subject to a candidate of sufficient merit presenting themselves. Scholarships are only available to students applying to degree programmes in philosophy or in philosophy of science. The BSPS is pleased to announce that there will be a doctoral scholarship competition in 2025, details below.
Applications for the 2025 Doctoral Scholarship are now open.Applications Deadline: 11.00 on Saturday 29th March
Applicants for doctoral scholarships should send as a single PDF which is titled LASTNAME-Firstname.pdf: The proposed supervisor should send a brief statement to the Assistant to the Committee (no more than 500 words) explaining why they are happy to supervise the applicant on the proposed project and how and why the supervisor’s institution is a good fit for the person and project. (See, also, the Additional Information below.) Two academic referees (at most one of whom can be the proposed supervisor) should write reference letters directly to the Assistant to the Committee (see below). All doctoral scholarship applications should be sent by email to the BSPS Honorary Secretary at Any queries should also be directed to the BSPS Honorary Secretary. Deadline for receipt of all doctoral scholarship applications is 11.00 on Saturday 29th March 2025.A. Applicant Submission
B. Supervisor Submission
C. References
D. How to Submit
The BSPS Doctoral Scholarship is a full PhD studentship at the home student rate for up to three years. It includes tuition fees at the home/domestic rate, a stipend at the current UKRI rate for PhD students, and research training support if required. In cases where an awardee has partial funding from other sources, the size of the BSPS grant will be set accordingly. For example, a successful applicant with fees-only scholarships from elsewhere would still be eligible to receive a maintenance grant from the BSPS. If international students wish to apply for this studentship, note that they must find another source of funding to cover the difference between home and international fees. Applicants may be in the position of considering a number of different departments for their doctoral studies and thus have a range of possible supervisors in mind. In this event, they should ask their currently preferred supervisor to write for them. Should an applicant be successful in the BSPS doctoral scholarship competition, this scholarship may be taken up only with the named supervisor and institution. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, it may not be transferred to a different supervisor in a different institution. (This policy has been in place since 2023.) Where it is obvious that a given applicant and project is a good fit to supervisor and institution, supervisors’ letters may be rather brief without thereby disadvantaging the candidate. The BSPS scholarship is subject to renewal on a yearly basis, which requires the awardee to provide evidence of adequate progress towards the completion of the PhD programme.Exclusive Funding
Multiple Supervisors
Subject to Renewal
William Wolf (Oxford) for his research on theory choice and scientific underdetermination in modern cosmology and gravitational theory.
Scott Partington (Cambridge) for his work in philosophy of psychology and cognitive science.
Philipp Spillmann (Cambridge) for his research on uncertainty in astrobiology.
Margarida Hermida (Bristol) for research into the metaphysics of animal identity.
Caspar Jacobs (Oxford)
Zinhle Mncube (Cambridge)
Patrick Dürr (Oxford)
Elina Vessonen (Cambridge)
Tushar Menon (Oxford) and Carina Prunkl (Oxford)
Sorana Vieru (Bristol) and Alexandru Marcoci (LSE)
Aarne Talman (LSE) for his work on confirmation and reliability of chaotic models, and Lena Zuchowski (Cambridge) for her work on theories at the edge of Laplacian determinism
Matteo Colombo (Edinburgh) for his work, “Complying with Norms: An Exploration from Computational Cognitive Neuroscience”
Milena Ivanova (Bristol) for her work on Structural Realism and Conventionalism, and Katherine Puddifoot (Sheffield), who is working on debates about rationality in the philosophy of psychology and cognitive science.
Andrew Goldfinch (LSE) for his work on the foundations of evolutionary psychology, and Elizabeth Irvine (Edinburgh) for her work on the scientific understanding of consciousness.
Stefan Dragulinescu (Lancaster) for his work in the philosophy of medicine, and Chuanfei Chin (Oxford) for his work on the philosophical foundations of pain research.
Dennis Lehmkuhl (Oxford) for his doctoral work in philosophy of physics
Elizabeth Hannon for her work in philosophy of biology and psychology, at the University of Durham.
Ulrich Stegmann (KCL) for his study of philosophy of biology