5–7 July 2023, University of Bristol
The BSPS 2023 Annual Conference will take place on 5–7 July at the University of Bristol. The Conference will be an in-person event only. BSPS 2023 Conference Programme & Symposium Abstracts – final version
The Conference
Click here to register for the BSPS 2023 Conference. Note that an active membership of the BSPS is required in order to register for the Conference. To join the BSPS, follow the link.REGISTRATION
In addition to selected individual talks and symposia, plenary talks will be given by Phyllis Illari (UCL) and Peter Vickers (Durham). In addition, the Conference will feature a plenary panel discussion on scientific methodology and research culture, featuring Alex Freeman (Winton Centre for Risk & Evidence Communication, University of Cambridge) and Marcus Munafo (Psychology, University of Bristol), chaired by Sabina Leonelli (Exeter). A final version of the programme can be found through the link below. In addition to the schedule, the programme contains local information, map and abstracts for symposia; there is a separate book of abstracts for contributed sessions. If you are interested in chairing a session, please contact the conference email stating the session you would like to chair: bspsconference2023@proton.me BSPS 2023 Conference Programme & Symposium Abstracts – final versionPROGRAMME
Accommodation Bookings
Conference attendees will be able to benefit from a discounted room rates at four hotels in Bristol’s Clifton area. Please note that these rates are subject to change. Book early to avoid disappointment. In order to reserve rooms, you will just need to quote the discount code “BSPS2023” at any four of the hotels, which will then apply the discount from the best available daily rate. Please note that this code is available on this website (https://cliftonhotels.com). It can also be used when booking directly with the hotels’ reception, either via phone or email. The four hotels are:
BSPS Membership & Conference Registration
An active membership of the BSPS is required in order to register for the Conference. To join the BSPS, follow the link below.
Call for Symposia
Submission is now closed for proposals for symposia to be presented at the BSPS 2023 Annual Conference in Bristol on 5–7th July 2023. The deadline for submitting symposium proposals was 3rd February 2023. A symposium should involve several presenters, typically 3-4, organised around a topic of interest. Symposia may be on any topic in the philosophy of science. A maximum of 90 minutes of space on the programme will be allocated to successful symposia. The symposia will be selected by the BSPS committee. The committee will strive for quality, variety, innovation, and diversity on the programme; ideally the programme will reflect the full range of current work in the philosophy of science. Symposia that make connections with, or include, working scientists are warmly invited. We will not be considering ‘Author Meets Critics’ sessions, but topical sessions that build upon recently published books are acceptable. Proposals must include sufficient supporting material to permit the committee to evaluate the quality and interest of the symposium. Proposals for symposia should include: The deadline for submitting symposium proposals is 3rd February 2023. Authors will be informed of the committee’s decisions around 28th February. Please see important information below on BSPS policy regarding multiple submissions. Proposals for symposia should be submitted via email as one pdf file to “bspsconference2023@proton.me” No one will be permitted to present more than once at BSPS 2023. Thus, if a symposium proposal in which you are a presenting author is accepted, you cannot submit a contributed paper for which you are the presenting author. Commentators that are part of symposia are considered to be presenting authors. A scholar may appear as co-author on more than one paper or symposium talk, but may present at BSPS 2023 only once. Any individual can be part of only one symposium proposal in which he or she is a presenting author. Note that this policy excludes the practice of being a presenting author for more than one symposium proposal and subsequently choosing to present in only one symposium if multiple proposals are accepted. If an accepted symposium subsequently loses participants, maintaining acceptance will become contingent upon the symposium organiser developing satisfactory alternatives to maintain the quality and coherence of the committee. All questions about submissions should be directed in the first instance to conference organiser, Mazviita Chirimuuta, on “bspsconference2023@proton.me”Symposia at the BSPS 2023 Annual Conference
Deadline and dates
Rules for Acceptance
Call for Abstracts
The Call for is now closed for papers at the BSPS 2022 Annual Conference in Bristol on 5–7 July 2023. Papers may be on a wide selection of topics within the philosophy of science (see list below) and should be suitable for presentation in 20 minutes, which will allow 10 minutes discussion. Abstracts should be received no later than 6th March 2023 (symposium applicants will have heard back by end of February). Abstracts should be a maximum of 500 words (not including indicative bibliography). Abstracts will be anonymously refereed by the programme committee, and successful contributors notified by late April. Abstracts should include an outline of the central argument of the paper. To ensure full consideration, please also include a short bibliography of 2-5 representative references. We do not anticipate being able to share referees’ comments. List of Topics: Please submit your anonymised abstract via OxfordAbstracts Note: For ‘technical’ reasons we’ve had to migrate submissions from EasyChair to this new portal. If you already submitted an abstract to EasyChair, please resend it to OxfordAbstracts before March 6th Questions about submissions should be directed in the first instance to conference organiser, Mazviita Chirimuuta, at “bspsconference2023@proton.me”BSPS 2023 ANNUAL CONFERENCE: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS