The brand new blog of the British Journal for the Philosophy of Science

The philosophy of science is entering an exciting era. Its horizons are wider than ever, the topics and areas it covers are even more stimulating, and the interactions with the sciences are both more productive and provocative. As Editors of the British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, we have front row seats on all this activity, allowing us to witness an unprecedented period of thrilling research being carried out at the frontiers of biology, neuroscience, cognitive science, as well as the physical and human sciences. The sheer variety and stimulating nature of the topics that we have the pleasure to publish is a testament to the vibrancy of the field.

We want to share with our authors, readers, and the public at large views and opinions on these new trends and developments. We want to highlight ‘what’s hot’ in the philosophy of science, as well as develop and support discussions and notes on the profession, its future, and the challenges it faces.

Whether you believe that philosophy of science should shun metaphysics or constructively engage with it; whether you believe that the future is in the biomedical sciences as opposed to physical sciences; whether you’re one of those who still reads Kuhn and believes in the role of the history of science, or someone who remains unimpressed by SSR and thinks history is there to be cherry picked; this is your blog, open to everyone, whatever your philsci denomination.

And finally, we’d like to extend a warm welcome from all of us at the BJPS.

  • Elizabeth
